Saturday, July 12, 2014

The utilities

Per the Lease that we all signed, Section 11 Utilities and Services (a): "Tenant is responsible for the following utilities and services: Electricity, Water, Gas, and Trash and Recycling and is required to register the utilities and services in Tenant's name.  Tenant understands and agrees that essential services are to be maintained and operational at all times".

Wow.  That's  a mouthful!  

Well, they moved in August 21, 2012, and by January, 2013, the electricity had been turned off for non-payment.  What they did, at that point, was 'jump' the meter (re-connected it themselves) and used electricity free for the next eleven months.  

When I called DTE to get it back into my name on 11/07/2013, when they FINALLY left, they told me they had to come out to turn it back on.  I was shocked & asked why.  They said because it had been off for non-payment since January!!  The neighbors told me they had all gotten nasty-grams from DTE about extremely high electric utilization on the court, but no one seemed to know why.  Hmmm...

When I confronted London about it, she said:

  1. It was none of my business (although the lease said it certainly was my business!), and

  2. They had been running a GENERATOR since January!  Now, someone had been to the house before Eric disconnected the meter again, and the electricity was ON, and there was no GENERATOR running.  Please! (honest, I have this in writing!)

The water bill and Waste Management had never been paid, for a total additional debt of over  $1,000.  I confronted Eric about that after they left, and he said he'd pay it.  Guess what???


  1. This is London Maria McKinnon, the former tenant of yours whom you have created an 18 page blog about, including images of myself and my 12 month old daughter that you have taken from my page without permission along with personal information that I do not share with people such as the place that I am employed. You have friended contacts of mine that you do not know such as co-workers in the HR department that I currently work at, family members and some of my business associates and clients that I work with for my registered LLC business. I have received many complaints from my contact’s that you are posting this blog on their pages slandering mine and Eric Robinson’s page with some accusations that aren’t yet proven in court and also a lot of character defamation. I have already had to change my phone number because of the harassment I was receiving from you. At this time, you are effecting my opportunity to receive another career that I am in the market for and would appreciate it if you stopped your form of stalking and contacting my friends, family and co-workers as it is making me very depressed and causing me anxiety because this is effecting my personal life. Please allow the law of the Court’s to settle this matter between us and remove my name from your blog and stop harassing my network. Sincerely London McKinnon 8/20/2014.

    1. OK, Ms.McKinnon: your comment was left 8/20/14, two days before your deposition (which cost us both more money!) during which you lied under oath, claiming you had permission to "remodel", paint, replace appliances, etc. You said you would produce documentation, which you have not done. Your discovery documents are some two months late. YOU ARE HOLDING UP THE JUDICIAL PROCESS. WE ARE ALL, INCLUDING YOUR ATTORNEY, WAITING ON YOU, AND ONLY YOU, TO PRODUCE YOUR DOCUMENTS.

      You admit to owing me about $4,000 but don't say what that consists of.
      $450 balance of rent for September, 2013
      $1,750 rent and late fee for October, 2013 (you lived there for free - you're welcome)
      $1,700 rent for November, 2013
      $1,700 rent for December, 2013
      (I stopped charging you 1/1/14 even though lease ran through 8/20/14 - and I didn't sell it until 4/25/14 - YOU'RE WELCOME!)
      >$1,000 water bill & Waste Management never paid
      That's $6,600 right there, before we get to the paint, carpet, holes in the walls, broken doors and door frames, stolen appliances (that were never broken), cabinet knobs, switch plates, valance, blinds, light fixtures, faucet, THE FILTH, water damage to the kitchen ceiling AND ON & ON - which I provided documentation and photos of - and for which you are delaying the process you refer to above.
      I'm sure you don't want anyone shining a light on your character or behavior. I wouldn't either if I were you, but hey, just pay for the damages incurred & we can all move on. OK?
