Along the lines of "How I spent my summer vacation"
Except this is how I was victimized by Eric D. Robinson, Jr. (a.k.a. MANN All Red Everythangg, a.k.a. MANN_A.R.E, a.k.a. MANN) and London Maria McKinnon
July 11, 2014Before we dig into the plot of this sad little drama of thugs and con men (and women), let's identify our cast of characters:
Me: a mild-mannered, middle aged professional with a somewhat chequered past and a new job
Eric Douglas Robinson, Jr.: (see aliases above): presented as a young-ish business owner with a much younger pregnant girlfriend. Owner of Geeked Up Electronics (a Michigan LLC "active, but not in good standing" -, owner of Metro Wealth Records (a Michigan LLC also "active but not in good standing"), "CEO" of Metro Wealth Films. He has a more chequered past than I do.
London Maria McKinnon: the much younger, pregnant girlfriend. Was employed by Central Transport. Now employed by R &L Global Logistics, Atlanta.
Our saga begins as our heroine (me!) is recruited for a job in a land far, far away. The Michigan real estate market was soft in the summer of 2012. I listed our home for sale, but, alas, did not find any buyers who were also qualified for a mortgage.
and here is the listing - a nice family home in a nice neighborhood:
Any-hooo... It didn't sell fast enough, so I decided (against my better judgement!) to rent it. I listed it on craigslist on July 15, 2012, and London called me the next day! It must have been a GREAT posting!
They came to see it, together, and seemed nice and normal, if slightly over-tattooed (but who am I to judge, right?). They liked it, and liked that it was right around the corner from Geeked Up Electronics, Eric's computer repair store. You may be interested in a review on his Yahoo! link from 11/14/2013 - one week after he left my house, destroyed - more to come on that...
They filled out an application, provided proof of employment, pay stubs from London's employer, an acceptable credit report, and the 2011 Income Tax return from Geeked Up Electronics. London couldn't provide picture ID and Eric had a State ID (not a Driver's license - turns out he's been relieved of his driving privileges - DUI). The other thing they couldn't provide was a landlord reference.
Why, you may ask, did I give these people a chance? Truly, I wonder the same thing, now, but hindsight is always 20/20. As I said, I, too, have a bit of a chequered past, and he was a local business owner, she was employed, and everyone deserves a chance to leave their past behind and improve their lot. You may find me a little less fucking altruistic these days. Thanks for the lesson!
They looked a second time, still liked it, and Eric asked if I would consider a two year lease for $1,700/month (instead of 12 months at $1,800/mo.) My new lease was also 24 months, so I thought this was a bonus for all parties, not to have to find another renter again.
So, here's Eric D. Robinson, Jr. Here's MANN All Red Everythangg, aka MANN_A.R.E., aka MANN. He rarely paid the rent on time, was evicted for non-payment (along with London & their baby), DESTROYED the house, cost me THOUSANDS in repairs, travel & legal fees on top of unpaid rent and utility bills, as well as untold heartache and stress - well, I'mma 'boutta tell y'all about it.
He's NOT a "MAN", no matter what he calls himself. A man provides for his family, pays his bills, shows integrity, keeps his word, and is honorable. This poor excuse for a MANN does not, and is not. Turns out, he was evicted for non-payment by his prior landlord, and left thousands in damages there, too. London just seems to be living with delusions of entitlement, also, that it's OK to take whatever you can get from whomever you can get it and walk away with your nose in the air.
Here's Eric - CEO, entrepreneur, thug, thief, liar, manipulator
I have a judgement against him for > $14,000 which he refuses to pay (not even part of). He doesn't say WHY he won't pay, but he threatens me (vaguely and inarticulately) that I'd 'better leave him alone, and that's a promise!!' What? What's a promise? Even if he made one he couldn't keep it. Then he said I'm crazy because I'm not afraid of him. I'm not afraid of punks and thugs; however, should he "MANN" up and pay his debt, I will be just as public in telling the world that he did, and remove all negative references to him that I put up. And that's a promise!! ;-)
See y'all tomorrow. Goodnight xo
Reminds me of, google, tenant Alizabeth Showers