Not racism, not agism, not sexism, not socioeconomic gaps, not because he hates Cheerios.
Contract with these two characters at your peril. They are a financial nightmare and have no respect for other people, contracts, leases, other persons money, or other persons property. I wish I had been warned of their destructive and irresponsible tendencies before I rented my home to them. Now I am out over $14,000 and they are uncollectible, so far. Yet they have many businesses and travel all over... Sketchy and untrustworthy.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The delusion continues!
The Delusion and Lies Continue:
Eric knows perfectly well that I have a legally obtained & recorded judgment against him for over $14,000 for past due rent, the GIANT water bill, and extensive damage to my home; yet he publishes this ridiculous statement on Twitter, claiming extortion. Insanity? Probably. Racism? No. Extortion? Definitely NOT!
Also, he's issued more vague threats - I can't tell if they're against my person, or if he's SENDING THE LAW after me. Both my attorney and his have seen this entire blog, and no one has said that I am outside of my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS to publish it. But if anything happens to me, you know where to look first.
Here is the judgment: $14,513.39, fully documented, almost seven months old, I have not received ONE THIN DIME. NOT EXTORTION. This is the law.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
London Maria McKinnon issues new threats
London Maria McKinnon does not appreciate her choices and behavior being publicized, and issues new threats:
9/21/2014: UPDATE: on 8/20/14 London Maria McKinnon 'requests' (?) or 'demands' (?) or 'threatens' (?) that I "NEED to let the justice system do its work". She gave her deposition on 8/22/14, which was full of perjury and promises that she had documentation that she tried to get me to provide service in the home and that she had permission to paint, 'remodel', replace appliances, etc. It is now a month later, and she has not produced any such proof. The 'justice system' is waiting on her to produce documentation, which is now about two months late, and which she promised to produce face-to-face with my attorney on 8/22/14, which is still nowhere to be found. This is delaying the entire process and necessitating more money spent with both of our attorneys, and wasting time on things that purely don't exist, that she lied about under oath. Yet she wants me to continue to 'wait'? I don't understand.
Contrary to her 'proof' (which she can't produce), I have all of the texts from after the eviction FROM HER stating that she had no permission at all. She destroyed my home without a care, and now wants me to stand down. No. No. All I want is reimbursement for the back rent, repairs and replacements. I have documentation of all, with receipts, with witnesses, with police report. All I want is for her (them) to make right what they did. Why is she wasting everyone's time and money?
"This is London Maria McKinnon, the former tenant of yours whom you have created an 18 page blog about, including images of myself and my 12 month old daughter that you have taken from my page without permission along with personal information that I do not share with people such as the place that I am employed. You have friended contacts of mine that you do not know such as co-workers in the HR department that I currently work at, family members and some of my business associates and clients that I work with for my registered LLC business. I have received many complaints from my contact’s that you are posting this blog on their pages slandering mine and Eric Robinson’s page with some accusations that aren’t yet proven in court and also a lot of character defamation. I have already had to change my phone number because of the harassment I was receiving from you. At this time, you are effecting my opportunity to receive another career that I am in the market for and would appreciate it if you stopped your form of stalking and contacting my friends, family and co-workers as it is making me very depressed and causing me anxiety because this is effecting my personal life. Please allow the law of the Court’s to settle this matter between us and remove my name from your blog and stop harassing my network. Sincerely London McKinnon 8/20/2014."
"Gayle, I'm pretty sure your aware I will have to block you and get a restraining order out against you so you can stop spending so many hours of your day harassing me and my Daughters father. Please leave this in the court hands, even if the process is taking a long time, it's the law for a reason. I'm probably going to see a therapist starting this week because this is stressing me out. People at my job are constantly asking me if everything is ok. Even though you don't care and you feel wrongly crossed you NEED to let the justice system work, it's in place for a variety of reasons"
London may well need therapy - suggested topics are:
- Her sociopathic disregard of other people's money and property
- Her irrational sense of entitlement and expectation of other people to absorb her financial irresponsibility
- Her delusional calculation that they may owe me about $4,000.
- Her theft of electricity and lies about using a generator for 11 months
- Her predatory behavior against a complete stranger who made the mistake of trusting her
- Her belief that she can live life in the public eye, starring in music videos, posting pictures of herself in the attire she sported in the video, bearing the Metro Wealth logo, and think she can keep her 'dirty laundry' private.
I already have a judgement for over $14,000 against Eric D. Robinson, Jr. (aka MANN ARE) for which he blames his attorney. I clearly stated in this blog right up front that I am still in litigation with London Maria McKinnon. I have a lease (which was defaulted, resulting in eviction), full documentation of all damages, photos of the destruction they left, every text message ever sent or received, and I have my First Amendment right to post my story of victimization. I have been threatened by both Eric and London. What about my stress and anxiety? What about my credit rating?
This is not defamation. This is not slander. These are documented facts. This is not subjective, and not because I simply don't like Eric or London - and certainly not because of race (as they continually claim).
My attorney fees are not recoverable. My travel expenses are not recoverable. London and Eric are not my victims - no matter what masks they wear. They have victimized me, from day one, and I do not intend to lie down and suck it up, as they apparently expect me to do.
Yes, London, I will see you in court. I will win the same judgement against you that I won against Eric, and then, I predict that I still won't be able to collect, because paying me would be the honorable thing to do; but you don't possess or demonstrate much honor. If, by some miracle I do collect, I will be happy to sing your praises as widely as I have published your lack of responsibility and accountability. Based on my experience of doing business with you, I cannot imagine why anyone would enter into any business with you. Contracting is a TWO-WAY street. You have obligations, too. Maybe next time, you will exercise more care and accountability when you sign on the dotted line, and respect the agreements into which you enter, and the people who take risks on you. Maybe people will find this blog on the INTERNET, a PUBLIC PLACE, and think twice about doing business with you.
This is YOUR story, London: your behavior, your choices, your consequences. I didn't make it up, and I wish it weren't so. I just turned on the light. I paid the mortgage every month, on time. I paid the water bill and Waste Management (over $1,000, alone). I hired the painter. I replaced the carpet. I hired someone to clean the FILTH you left. I did all this from 2,300 miles away. This is YOUR story, London. Again, I just turned on the light. Sorry, not sorry.
...and I haven't spent nearly as many hours on this blog as you did DESTROYING my house.
Monday, August 11, 2014
I think he's upset. I'm not sure.
I think he's upset. I'm not sure.
If all of his supportive, rallying followers put up about $5 each, this nasty business could go away. He says all of his FB friends are "just like" him. Uh oh.
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